Want To Kick off Your Ordinary Lighting For A More Useful And Power Efficient
Type Of Lighting? We Have LED Bulbs, Spot lamp, T8 LED Lighting Tubes, LED
flexible strip, LED Light Panels, table lighting, down light, and LED traffic
L.E.D Lights (Light Emitting Diodes - L.E.D's) are lights which are extremely energy efficient and long lasting. L.E.D Lights create less heat than traditional lights which means they last significantly longer than traditional lights. L.E.D Lights are a relatively new technology and can help you save up to 90% on your lighting costs.
Lighting contributes about 30% to the average Australian households energy bill. Most lighting today is inefficient and is costing you unnecessary money and emitting vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. L.E.D Lighting is an energy efficient alternative to traditional lighting . There are alternatives for every type of light - incandescent, downlights and outdoor lighting .
Contact BETLUX for all your lighting needs.