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Where the LED going?
Where and how? what LED will be the future? We, betlux, are think of it. Thin, flexible, SMD will b ...

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CDM is the acronim of Candela per Square Meter (cd/m2), the Standard unit of luminance (also calСВЕТ ...

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your trust LED supplier

Profil de companie ------Va oferim BetLux ® LED-uri LED-uri şi benzi. Suntem producator ISO9001 certificat în China, situat în Ningbo. Toate produsele sunt RoHS.

OEM/ODM comenzi sunt de asemenea disponibile

led 5mm, 2 digit,led neon,led matrix, seven segment led

LED-uri, şapte segmentul de display cu LED, dot matrice de afişare cu LED, lumina LED-bar, SMD LED, LED-uri de mare putere, să înceapă cu LED, LED diode. de produse de iluminat cu LED include: bec LED-uri, E27, MR16, GU10, T8 LED, LED-uri de neon flexibil, controlul LED-uri, etc

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LED-un fel

flat top, PLCC6 SMD LED lampflat top, PLCC2 3528 SMD led diode
flat top, PLCC6 SMD LED lampflat top, PLCC2 3528 SMD led diode

LED dioda 

china smd led supplier, manufacturerpower led supplier, star ledOval led 5mm,oval led supplierinfrared diode, infrared diode
SMD LED-uri putere cu LED-uri Oval cu LED-uri infraroşu diode 
photo diodes supplierpiranha led, super flux led,p4 ledblinking led 3mm, 5mmbi-color led, rgb led
fotodiodă PIRANHA cu LED-uri clipeşte LED-uri multi-color LED-uri 
bright led from 3mm-10mmLED bullet type
super luminoase cu LED-uri LED-uri bullet 

şapte segmente cu LED-uri 

1 digit led 7 segment display2 digit seven segment ledseven segment led, 3 digit4 digits led 7 segment display
cu o singură cifră doua cifre cifră trei de patru cifre 
big segment led, large segment ledalphanumeric led displaypanel led displayled clock display
mare cifră LED alfanumerică Panoului de afişare LED-ceas 

dot matrice LED-uri 

5x7 dot matrix led display5x7 bi-color dot matrix leddot matrix led,5x7 RGB color5x8 dot matrix led display
5x7 dot matrix 5x7 bi-color 5x7 RGB 5x8 dot matrix 
5x8 bi-color led dot matrixled dot matrix,5x8 RGB color5x9 dot matrix led display6x7 led dot matrix display
5x8 bi-color 5x8 RGB 5x9 dot matrix 6x7 dot matrix 
8x8 led dot matrix display, bi-color, rgb color8x8 bi-color led dot matrixmatrix led,8x8 RGB color16x16 dot matrix led
8x8 dot matrix 8x8 bi-color 8x8 RGB 16x16 dot matrice 


led light bar displayled bar for backlightingarrow led display for elevator
LED-uri matrice LIGHT BAR arrow LED-uri 

LED-uri de grup 

led cluster

LED benzi 

LED neon flex striphigh power led neon stripled module 3led,4 led, 5ledhard pcb led circuit strip
LED-uri de neon de mare putere benzi Modul LED Hard PCB benzi 
power and controller for led strip
de putere şi de control 

Iluminat cu LED 

power led lamp supplierT8 tube light, T8 Fluorescent Tube Lighte27 led bulb lampmr16 led sport lamp
putere LAMP T8 tub cu LED-uri E27 cu LED-uri MR16 LED-uri 
par20 led spot lamppar30 led spot lamppar38 led spot lampgu10 led spot lamp
PAR20 LED-uri PAR30 LED-uri PAR38 LED-uri GU10 LED-uri 
E12 base LED bulb lamp light
E12 cu LED-uri